Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Date night all around

Have I mentioned yet, that Drew and Collin's Uncle Dana is the football coach for Riverdale High School? If I haven't, he is. And he's pretty amazing at it and creative...a few weeks ago, Dana's players were all wearing camouflage jerseys with a military service member's name on the back in honor of the people that have or are fighting for our freedom. Pretty cool and all thought up as a football fundraiser by Dana. Anyway, Drew spent last Friday night on a date with Grandma and Auntie Kim to go watch one of Uncle Dana's football games. He even got to go down to the field to hang out with Uncle Dana while the players warmed up before the game. I wasn't there, but from what I heard and what I saw in the pictures that came back on my camera, Drew had a blast (it's always fun when your team is the winning team too)!

Auntie Kimmie said that Drew was a wee bit intimidated by all of the players in uniform once he was up close. This photo sort of says it all...

LOVE this picture! Drew and Uncle Dana 

And of course, what trip to a football stadium would be complete without a photo with the mascot?

Anyway, the intent was that while Drew was off playing with Grandma and Auntie Kimmie, Nathan and I would have a date night. Well, date night took on a slightly different form than I had originally planned this week:

Thanks to a fractured/dislocated thumb, we spent most of the night here, in Urgent Care. To make a long story short, Nathan smashed his thumb at work. He thought it was fine until he couldn't get the pain and swelling to subside. So, on his way home from work he stopped in at the Urgent Care. Wouldn't you know it, a simple stop in turned into a "Hey hun, can you come pick me up?" phone call and hours in Peachwood Medical. Anyway, Nathan's fine now. All that wrapping seems like overkill for just a thumb, though doesn't it? A guy at Costco told him it looked more like his thumb had been amputated than broken, and I have to say, I sort of agree. Nathan had a follow up appointment this morning and although he was hoping to ditch the soft cast in lieu of a simple splint, that lovely cast will be sticking around for four more weeks. I'm thinking Drew won out on the whole having-a-fun-time-for-the-night thing.

And where was Collin for all of this? Thankfully, Auntie Jenn and Uncle Burke were able to drop me off to pick up Nathan at Urgent Care and then take Collin home and tuck him in bed for the night. The next morning he was back to his usual antics...

Pay no mind to Daddy's bum wheel there Coll, just keep on climbing all over him :)

A huge thanks again to Grandma and Auntie Kimmie, Drew loved his date with you two!!

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