On Christmas morning, our house was filled to the brim with family and fun. Surprisingly though, it was still and quiet until six-thirty. I know, I know, six-thirty! Still cringe worthy, but based on the boys' excitement the night before when we tucked them into bed, I had expected them to be in our room around five, so six-thirty felt like we were gifted some time to "sleep in". Our days of waking up late on Christmas morning are apparently long gone, but those cute, happy faces and the energy and excitement they bring long make up for the early Christmas mornings!
Because the boys were up bright and early, the rest of our slumbering guests were asked nicely to get up also. Oh wait. That's not how that happened...they were bombarded by little jumpers bouncing around on each of their beds! Oh, the joys of spending the night at our house! Anyway, we always tease that Emmie is just not a morning person (just like her Momma), but these two pictures were back to back on my camera roll and had me laughing. Elsie: morning person....
....Emmie: not-so-morning person!
We always do stockings together before breakfast and the tree. Apparently the little boys' gifts were more appealing to Nathan than his own. Chameleon goggles, anyone? ;)
Christmas morning was a whirlwind of presents and playing.
There were happy dances danced...
...new toys shared...
...and plenty of practice bike riding...
...up and down the hallway!
If you didn't know this already, our family's name is just about synonymous with "coffee". My parents have had a fancy pants espresso machine for as long as I can remember and have passed on that love of (addiction to?) a good latte on to each of us. The only problem is, unless you have the fancy pants machine, the coffee just doesn't turn out the same way. Well, this year, my parents gave Jenn and Burke a fancy pants machine. I'd say Jenn was just a little excited about it.
Eventually (you know, like when the sun finally came up...) we went outside to try out all the new bikes.
And of course Auntie Kell had to show off just how cool she is compared to the rest of us non-skateboarders.
Thanks Pop Pop for fixing my bike seat!
See what I mean about Nathan loving the boys' gifts more than his own?? I mean really, we let the boys out for five minutes and he had already snatched Drew's new bike for himself!
Tanner kisses for Emmie
"May May" as the boys typically call her
Elsie even got in on the "bike" action this year!
By the afternoon, our kiddos were napped and happy and ready and excited to go play at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
The boys and their cousin Tallie
Grandma and the boys
Grandma and Grandpa can find just about anything in camo and the boys love them for it! This year they managed to find shirts that were....get this...Lego Batman Camo shirts. That's a whole lot of favorites combined into one!
I'd say something cheesy like this photo is my world, but you'd all gag and tell me how sappy I am. ....But really, if you asked to see my heart in pictures, I'd probably show you a photo like this. :)
Grandma always snags the boys for a day at some point before Christmas to put together a gift from the boys for both me and Nathan. They are always some of my favorite gifts. This year, Drew did his own wrapping....and tag writing. Be still my little heart.
Remember how I said that Grandma and Grandpa can find just about anything in camo? Well they can also track down hunting gear in sizes so small I didn't even think they existed. This year, Drew asked Grandpa for Camo Waders just like his. I have no idea where, or how he found them small enough for Drew, but he did...and you should have seen Drew's face when he opened the box and realized what was inside. "YESSSSSSSSsssssss!!!!!"
Tanner and his giant Olaf...who has now eaten dinner with us, driven everywhere with us, and slept with Tanny every night since his arrival.
When Christmas was all said and done, and family had all gone home, we spent a week of "detoxing" our kids off of Lala and their Auntie's constant "yes" answers to everything the boys asked for. No sweetheart, you cannot have chocolate for breakfast anymore....even if you eat an egg with it! ;)
And by New Year's Eve, things had for the most part, returned to normal. We spent a really mellow evening ringing in the New Year, East Coast style...at nine o'clock!
All in all, a busy, fun month, filled to the brim with family and friends, which I love! It's no wonder December is my favorite time of the year!