We have a new family member in our house!
Meet "Brucey".
Brucey, as in Bruce Banner...aka The Incredible Hulk (Avenger loving boys live in our house).
I had originally said we would wait to get another dog until Tanner turned two, but who are we kidding here? I wanted a puppy just as badly as the boys did!
Brucey has snuggled/wagged/puppy breathed his way into every heart in our household.
Now, Nathan and I knew that Brucey was coming for quite some time before he actually arrived but we chose not to tell the boys until the day he actually showed up. We've learned over time that telling the boys about things they have to wait a while for, just leads to months of asking daily when their puppy (in this case) would be arriving. Always better a surprise. So, on the day Brucey came we told the boys that we had something for them and had them sit down blindfolded on the couch.
Jenn and Burkie came over to sneak in some new puppy squeezes, I mean, help with the surprise.....
Nathan had gone to pick up Brucey
so once he was inside, we had him stand in front of the boys with the puppy and then we let the boys take off their blindfolds. Collin's face....
I think I mentioned a little while ago that he has been asking non-stop for another baby and or a puppy to be added to our house. To say he was excited would be an understatement!
I've learned Brucey is a lap snuggler. If you sit down, he'll almost always come and sit with you.
....and if the lap he's looking for is already occupied, he'll squeeze in wherever he can fit!
This little habit might be a wee bit more interesting when he's an eighty pound dog instead of a puppy.
If you couldn't tell already, we are majorly loving this having a puppy business. ;)