Wednesday, August 21, 2013


If you haven't heard, I am officially an Auntie!

Miss Emmeline Grace was born on July 31st and she is just the most beautiful, squeezable, lovable little peanut! We were so excited to meet her and have loved the past two weeks of snuggles we have been spoiled with.

Brand new Baby Emmie

Who looks this good after having a baby?? My little sister. That's who.

The hospital that Emmie was born in has a rule that no kids under 12 years old are allowed to visit unless they are a sibling to the baby. Because of this, the day that Emmie was brought home was also the first time the boys were able to meet her. They were so excited! I had hoped to get a great picture of all three boys with her, but as it usually goes with trying to coerce kids into photos, the more you add, the less the chance for a great picture! I did like this one though because it sums up how each of the boys seemed to feel about Emmie:
Drewski: Huge grin. Very excited and proud that he has a new cousin
Collin: Baby lover. He's already claimed her as "his" baby and constantly needs to touch/snuggle her
and then Tanner, pat-pat-patting his new personal plaything.

The funny thing is, the way they look in this picture is almost exactly how interactions between the boys and Emmie have played out since her arrival.

As if you couldn't tell by these few pictures, we are smitten with Baby Emmie already! Expect to see her pop up often in pictures around here! :)

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